Shift Happenings with George Suess
Welcome to Delarc's blog. Here you will find insights relating to our proactive philosophy and positive approach. CEO, George Suess, keeps you up to date on our most recent lessons learned and our consulting and training experiences. Check back regularly for updates. Comments and questions are encouraged.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

News update.


1 Delarc celebrated its annual meeting / dinner / award ceremony on Friday June 12. It was a huge success. Over 225 people in attendance, an all time high, and, to over whelming delight, all of them lit a figurative “fire cracker” at the conclusion of the meeting.

2 On June 30 we will conduct our last conference call with the Action Tems in Georgia. Our contract expires that day. It has been an extraordinary success. All six participating agencies report making significant improvements in their culture and performance. They all are very grateful to the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR) for providing this service. All wish to continue making the Shift and for the contract to be renewed in the next fiscal year.
DHR has informed us their budget is very uncertain. Based on the results they have expressed high interest in developing a year 3 contract. The very poor fiscal climate is a significant obstacle. The reorganization which the State legislature very recently approved presents a different issue. How long will it take to create the new structure; for the new Director to set his vision; and to determine if this project fits within the any possible new priorities are all important questions.

3 In mid August the EDA (Executive Directors, Association) will sponsor its third 2 day Shift Happens Executive Team conference. The purpose will be to present a detailed overview of the Shift Happens Model. So far 12 different teams have participated in sessions conducted in NYC and Geneva.
The EDA has taken a bold step with this training and is in a position to take a national leadership role in reducing and eliminating the use of physical intervention and restraint with people with developmental disabilities.

4 The rate of growth the children and adults Delarc supports has always been high but it seems to me the rate has significantly increased over the last two years.
I think there are a few answers:
- Our leadership team is more focused on learning and growth than it has ever been. It has worked diligently to standardize operations and to make those standards extraordinary.
- Our recruitment, orientation and training practices are continually fine tuned.
- A large number of new curricula have been created. Methods are also improving.
- Respectful, empowering, supportive monitoring at all levels assures accountability.
- The fire for continual improvement shines bright in both our newest and most veteran team members. People in this organization, like no other, embrace change.
Lots of people would add many other things to this list, but these are the things that grab me, at the moment.

5 We have learned President Obama has created a Social Innovation Fund the purpose of which, as we understand it, is to find pockets of excellence in the not for profit sector and to study and bring their success to scale.
This is new and information is sketchy. However we are tracking it and have had a preliminary conversation with one of NYS Sen. Gillenbrand’s representatives. We asked for the Senators assistance and advocacy in accessing this fund. We firmly believe the Shift Happens Model is exactly the type of success they are looking for.
Wish us luck.

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