Shift Happenings with George Suess
Welcome to Delarc's blog. Here you will find insights relating to our proactive philosophy and positive approach. CEO, George Suess, keeps you up to date on our most recent lessons learned and our consulting and training experiences. Check back regularly for updates. Comments and questions are encouraged.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Communications from Staff

Following are copies of emails I received this week from two of our team members. They show the impact we are having on people; the people we support, our families and the rehab community.

Received June 23, 2009

Hi George,

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a revelation I had recently. When I started working for the agency and learned about Shift Happens I thought it was wonderful. It made such good sense and seemed so easy. Over the years I've seen how it has worked so well with those we serve. I guess I never thought how it would carry over into my personal life until I became a mom. Now that Natalie is two I often find myself using the techniques that I was taught as part of the shift happens approach, whether it is with potty training, teaching her how to get dressed, dealing with her tantrums, or preparing her to be a big sister.

Then last night she started reinforcing me when I was folding laundry. It made me stop and smile and think maybe she's a future Delarc employee?

Amy Anderson
Medicaid Service Coordinator
The Arc of Delaware County

Received June 25, 2009

I was at an ISP meeting today in another county at a different agency, and was shocked to hear how unhappy people were with their jobs, administration etc at their respective agency. I felt bad for them that they are not as happy in their jobs as I am, and without making it sound like I am bragging to them, I said well we do this and we do that at the Delarc and how many of these folks were wowed and wished they could have that and things were run like the Delarc.

Along the same lines, I attend many trainings for Start up Brokerage and MSC training and I seem to get more attention than the trainer because I say at the Delarc we already do..... whatever the topic may be. I have had other trainees come to me for more about what we do and completely bypass the person facilitating the training!

I just am sending this email I guess to say that I am so glad to be where I am and that from what I see out there we are head and shoulders above the rest!

Aza Hoyt

I want to thank Amy and Aza for giving me permission to share their thoughts with you. Most of all, though, I want to thank them for being part of the Delarc Team.

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