Shift Happenings with George Suess
Welcome to Delarc's blog. Here you will find insights relating to our proactive philosophy and positive approach. CEO, George Suess, keeps you up to date on our most recent lessons learned and our consulting and training experiences. Check back regularly for updates. Comments and questions are encouraged.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Leadership style continued

My February 12, 2010 entry explained I have been asked to write down my thoughts regarding my leadership style. What follows is the second of several elements I think about. As I pointed out in that posting, the more I write the more I realize the idea of giving any of them priority over the rest is futile. The numbers only serve to keep me organized and to enable me to write about other things and then come back to continue the list. Each number is preceded by LE which stands for Leadership Element.

LE#2: Listen and Respect Minority Opinions.

Sorting through the continual barrage of information and misinformation leaders face every day is a huge challenge. The key is acute listening. Listening to the emotions; to the behavior and the body language to find the real message behind the words which are spoken requires hard work (dedication), practice (further dedication) and the ability to put aside issues of power and control. It also means admitting when we are wrong ( a huge power issue) and seeking win – win solutions; at once, humbling and gratifying.
One of the things I take particular pleasure in is when one person with a minority position convinces the group to go a different way; to continue searching or flat out convinces them their opinion was wrong. These occurrences please me because they demonstrate people respect each other; that the minority person is comfortable and not afraid they will be ridiculed, ostracized or placated. It means the team has been properly recruited, trained and supported. I believe a track record of listening to minority opinions (and all that goes with that) may be the single best measure of a Leader’s accomplishments.

1 comment:

Steve Finkel said...

Amen to #2.