Shift Happenings with George Suess
Welcome to Delarc's blog. Here you will find insights relating to our proactive philosophy and positive approach. CEO, George Suess, keeps you up to date on our most recent lessons learned and our consulting and training experiences. Check back regularly for updates. Comments and questions are encouraged.

Monday, March 21, 2011

You never know.

Hi, Last Friday we had two visitors from another county experience Vantage Point. At 5:15 or so a couple of our staff and I had a conversation. They were interested in my take on the visitors since they seemed distant at times and communication was not as free flowing as is usual.

At the debrief I found the same to be true and was ready to say good-bye at 3:30 but, of course I didn't. I kept the conversation going even though they were short on questions.

One of the folks had about 11 years of experience in the filed and one, a fellow I will call Brian, only about a year. He was a truck driver who got laid off and need a job. Looked to me like he was in his early 40's.

I kept the conversation going until we struck on a matter Brian could relate to. How to address serious behavior problems, assaults, though positive action. I explained our approach and gave a couple of examples and I saw the lights went on a bit, wasn't sure how bright they were, for him.

Overall my feedback was that while they were more quiet and not as enthusiastic as visitors usually are, I thought they did get something out of the visit. That it wasn't a complete disappointment to them . Then on Saturday I received the following.

My conclusion is twofold. First, you never really know how people will react, what will sink in and what will hit home. Secondly, our stuff is so good that everyone can get something out of a visit. As always the challenge to us is finding the piece that makes sense to each person.

From: Brian
to: georges
03/19/2011 10:56 AM

Dear George
Thank you for the magnificent and life changing experience the folks you serve, you and your staff shared with me yesterday! There are to many wonderful thoughts
and ideas running around my mind to express in this email. I've started reading Shift Happens. There is no doubt it will change the way I deal with all the people in my life.
I too, wish I had learned this info much earlier in my life. Looking forward to visiting with you and hopefully working with you in the future.
May this spark in our hearts be fanned into a raging fire of compassion that consumes the whole world !!!
Thanks Again !
Brian / DSP

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