Shift Happenings with George Suess
Welcome to Delarc's blog. Here you will find insights relating to our proactive philosophy and positive approach. CEO, George Suess, keeps you up to date on our most recent lessons learned and our consulting and training experiences. Check back regularly for updates. Comments and questions are encouraged.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stacie's Note:


The following are my thoughts regarding our week in Georgia.

Motivating, inspiring and clear.

These three words can help express my week in Georgia with Shift Happens consulting and training. I say motivating because this experience made it quite clear that The Arc of Delaware County has done exceptional work in its years of existence while caring without restraint. For me, someone who is new to this field, seeing another way of serving people with developmental disabilities reinforced my view of the need to continue our strive for excellence while spreading the message, philosophy and competencies of Shift Happens.

I say inspiring for two reasons. First, George is an incredible speaker/trainer. He does everything he can to reach each individual in the audience. If he doesn’t convey our message during the six hours of training, you see him during breaks, lunch and after the training listening to people and explaining Shift Happens in way that is easier for them.

The second reason is because it is also clear that the organizations we are working with are hungry for a new, better way of helping people live fulfilling lives as opposed to sticking to the status quo.

One of the most powerful quotes that I hear George say is, "You can’t get good people to do bad things, and you can’t get bad people to do good things". After seeing Shift Happens being introduced to new organizations, that point is crystal clear. I know we are all very excited and anxious to see how the good people of Georgia will embrace this essential "shift".

Thank you,
Stacie Haynes
Community Relations Assistant
The Arc of Delaware County

Thank you Stacie. I was delighted you were part of the team. And even more delighted you are part of this organization.

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